What do they have in common? The Romans built them, lived in them, moved away and left them. They are each in a different state of research, discovery and reconstruction. They are each unique and interesting. We visited all of them.
The section of Hadrian's Wall at Birdoswald is in the best condition. |
Birdoswald was a farm with several buildings built from the wall's stones. |
Chesters Fort looking across the river to the old bridge supports built by the Romans. The bridge is gone but the supports remain. |
The Baths at Chesters Fort were large and very elaborate. |
Raised floors for underfloor heating in the Prefect's house at Chesters Fort. |
Model of Housestead when the Romans were there. They are fairly sure how it looked, as all forts were built along the same plans and architectural style. |
A collection of objects found at Housestead. |
Housestead today, this is the granary where enough stores for the entire garrison for 6 months were kept. |
A young Roman fighting his way though Vindolanda! He was quite dramatic, even "impaling" himself on his sword, followed by lying very still while dead. |
Vindolanda has been excavated and rebuilt for the past 40 years. This year they are celebrating the 1800th anniversary! |
Volunteers work every summer at Vindolanda, digging and sorting the next area. |
Also not to be missed, but they didn't allow photos, the Roman Army Museum, associated with Vindolanda. The information is superb and presented in a very fun and interesting way. They also have models of the tools and weapons that you can pick up and play with. Some of the weapons were incredibly heavy!
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